Home Software Development Writing you first Python Language (with explanation)

Writing you first Python Language (with explanation)


# This is a comment. The Python interpreter ignores it.

# Comments are used to add notes and explanations to the code.


# This is a print statement. It outputs the text inside the parentheses to the console.

print("Hello, World!")


# This is a variable assignment. It creates a variable named "name" and assigns it the value “John”.

name = "John"


# This is a print statement that uses string concatenation.

# The variable “name” value is concatenated with the surrounding strings and printed to the console.

print("Hello, " + name + "!")


# This is a conditional statement. It checks if the variable “name” value is "John".

# If it is, it prints "You are John!"; otherwise, it prints "You are not John!".

if name == "John":

    print("You are John!")


    print("You are not John!")



Comments: Comments are lines in the code that are not executed by the Python interpreter. They are used to add explanations or notes to the code for better understanding.

Print statement: The print() function is used to display text or values in the console. In this case, it outputs the string "Hello, World!".

Variable assignment: Variables are used to store data in Python. The name = "John" line creates a variable named "name" and assigns the string value "John" to it.

String concatenation: The + operator is used for concatenating (joining) strings together. In the second print() statement, the value of the variable "name" is concatenated with the surrounding strings to produce the output "Hello, John!".

Conditional statement: The if statement is used for conditional execution. It checks if the condition inside the parentheses is true. If it is, the code block under the if statement is executed. Otherwise, the code block under the else statement is executed. In this case, it checks if the value of the variable "name" is equal to "John" and prints the appropriate message accordingly.

This is a basic example to demonstrate the structure of a Python program, variable assignment, string concatenation, and conditional statements. It's a good starting point for learning Python programming.

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