Lagos socialite Balogun Eletu, also known as Sam Larry, has shed light on the ongoing feud and alleged assault involving the late 27-year-old singer Ilerioluwa Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad. In a statement released on Snapchat after his arrest by the police for an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Mohbad's death, Sam Larry explained that the singer owed him money and had refused to repay it.
According to Sam Larry, he had initially given Mohbad N2 million for a performance at his mother's annual remembrance concert in Ikorodu two years ago. However, Mohbad failed to show up for the performance, citing illness as the reason. When Sam Larry asked for a refund, Mohbad claimed to have lost his phone and money during an NDLEA raid and was now financially strained, especially after leaving Marlian Records.
Frustrated by the situation, Sam Larry confronted Mohbad about the money when he learned that the singer was shooting a music video near his house. An argument ensued, but Mohbad and his friend insisted that they would pay the money. However, to date, no payment has been made.
Regarding his whereabouts at the time of Mohbad's death, Sam Larry clarified that he had been in Kenya since August, searching for new African talent for an upcoming event he was organizing. He emphasized that he had no knowledge of Mohbad's activities or location during this period.
Sam Larry denied fleeing the country and asserted that he had no involvement in Mohbad's death, as he was unaware of the singer's circumstances leading up to his demise. He concluded by stating that he had experienced financial losses in the past and considered the matter closed.