Home Romance How to turn your sex life into what your lover lusts after!

How to turn your sex life into what your lover lusts after!


The average man thinks he’s great in bed, doesn’t he?” Only a few days ago, while chatting with some young lively and adventurous women, one of them complained that, ‘Some men’s between the sheets activities could be quite frustrating. It’s not that they lack enthusiasm, the problem is their technique – they scarcely have any. Foreplay is clumsy and hurried. And as for the sex, it’s all wham, bam, was that it?”

It was by a stroke of luck that I recently got hold of ‘How To Be A great Lover’ by Lou Pajet and this week, I intend to share his “Key to fabulous sex,” which he agrees is foreplay. This might turn a fumbling lover into a sex machine! Take kissing for instance, a common mistake men make, according to Lou, is thinking that the things they enjoy will be pleasurable for their partners too…. “The man who doesn’t like a tongue in his ear is rare,” Lou observes. “But the woman who does like it is rare still. For most women, the “melt zone is the neck. They go gaga when kissed there. If you have other melt zones, let your lover be aware of this. Ask for his too!!

Sex toys: “The job of a sex toy is to enhance, not take over,” Lou explained…. “Even if you’ve not used toys before, they can add sparks to your sex life.”

But what if your man feels threatened by the “stiff competition?” “Men should think of a vibrator as being like the TV remote control. They can take charge if you want them to,” said Lou. Luckily, sex toys now abound in novelty stores all over the place – make the most of them!

Finding the G-Spot (No, G-spot is not a type of acne cream!) The G-Spot is located inside the vaginal entrance, above the public hone in the front wall, Lou stated. “If he imagines your vagina entrance as a clock, the G-spot is typically at noon. In order to “Hit the spot, the man should use his middle finger in a circular motion. Another tip is for him to press gently on top of the vagina with his other hand. This will increase a woman’s pleasure.” Lou pointed out that it is not just men who need to rethink their technique … Women should be willing to expand their bedroom skills too by first learning how to stimulate their men by hand …. It’s an easy skill to master,” he insisted.

For practice, a man needs to raise his two middle fingers in the air. Then his partner should grasp the base of his fingers, with her thumb facing down.

Next, she has to move her hand up, twisting as if opening a jar, then back down again. Another tip is for a woman to wrap a bead-necklace round her hand or her partner’s penis before beginning manual stimulation. He will love the different texture.

Lou’s top tips for couples: Kiss each other all over. So that your partner knows exactly how much suction or pressure you prefer on a specific area, demonstrate on their finger or tongue. Get filthy with food. Buy your partner’s favourite food and then serve it somewhere you wouldn’t normally if you get the drift! List three areas of your body you want attended to most. Don’t make your partner guess what turns you on. Indicate where and how you want to be touched. Buy a sex book and highlight your preferences. Use pink highlights for you, blue for him. Then throw down the book on the bed. Do what it says on the first page that falls open!

"How to turn your sex life into what your lover lusts after! - Vanguard News" https://www.vanguardngr.com/2023/09/how-to-turn-your-sex-life-into-what-your-lover-lusts-after/amp/


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